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Festival Introduction

Tainan Folk Activity and Parade for Welcoming Spring

Agriculture is the foundation of our country because it is the lifeblood of cultural development.

People emphasize agricultural production featuring obvious seasonality through the ages. Moreover, not missing the farming season and timely farming has become a basic concept of traditional agricultural society. “Spring is the best time to do the year's work”. Therefore, customs such as the ceremony for welcoming the spring, worshiping the Spring God, and lashing the spring ox in springtime are held during the Spring Commences. With the rite for welcoming the spring symbolizing the beginning of the year, people expect to have favorable weather and a bumper crop harvest throughout the year.

The ceremony for welcoming the spring was an important folk activity in the Capital of Taiwan during the Qing Dynasty, but it was terminated in the Japanese colonial period and the postwar period. However, the “Agriculture God Worshiping” ceremony held at the Great East Gate of Tainan City by the Tainan City Government since 1976 is viewed as a relic of the ancient spring welcoming ceremony, but the rites of the spring ox parade and lashing are excluded from the ceremony.

After the integration of Tainan city and county, greater Tainan City includes the original Tainan City and the original agricultural county in Tainan County. If the custom for welcoming the spring ox can be held at the Great East Gate of Taiwan’s Capital, it not only represents the City Government’s emphasis of agriculture via inheriting this historical memory but also is the embodiment of historical site revitalization.

Dance of the spring welcoming ceremony Rites of the spring welcoming ceremony Rites of Spring God worshiping and spring ox lashing
Updated:2021-01-07 PM 02:21:21
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